How often should you post on social media?

There is no hard and fast rule. It depends on which social media platforms we are discussing, as each platform has a different content lifespan and audience expectations. It also depends on the industry you operate in. If your company is more B2C, you should expect to update more frequently on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, and less so on LinkedIn.

The question should be:

How regularly can you post quality content that resonates with your audience? The key is consistency and quality.

We always encourage companies to do a reality check. In a perfect world, many would want to post several times a week across all social media platforms. However, it’s unlikely you have the capacity to do so without a large team dedicated to content creation.

Here are a few questions we frequently ask our clients:

  • What does my audience expect from me? (Understand their preferences and tailor your strategy accordingly)
  • How are my competitors performing? (Analyze their frequency, content type, and engagement levels for inspiration)
  • Do I have the resources to sustain this pace? (Be realistic about your team’s capacity. Overcommitting can lead to burnout or inconsistent output)

I know the question remains unanswered. That’s because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to an ideal posting frequency. We’ve helped clients see significant growth with just one well-crafted post per week on a single platform.

On the flip side, we’ve seen organizations post several times a week across multiple platforms with little to no traction. It always comes back to consistency and quality. If you’re short on resources, try starting with just one post per week on a single platform. It’s best to start small but start right.

Speak to us at SMAC to see how we can help you audit your and your competitors’ social media performance and enhance your results.